Kaitlyn Baggio

Kaitlyn is a graduate of the Border Services program at St Clair College. She currently works as an administrative assistant within the Legal and Legislative department of a local Municipality and has grown a strong interest in the municipal world.

From a young age, Kaitlyn wanted to make a difference in her community. In 2016, she joined her first pageant and has since won the title of Miss Galaxy Canada in 2019 and had the opportunity to compete at the Galaxy International Pageant. In July 2022, she was given the opportunity to represent Canada in the International United Miss Pageant. Kaitlyn is thankful for the opportunities pageants have brought her and enjoys being actively involved in her community. She has volunteered with a variety of local charities including The Optimist Club of St. Clair Beach, Hospice of Windsor Essex, the Canadian Mental Health Association, the Fight Like Mason Foundation and the Sick Kids Foundation.

In her spare time, Kaitlyn enjoys spending time with family and friends, listening to music, going on nature walks, and planning her future travels. She enjoys travelling because of the opportunities it brings to immerse herself in different cultures and go out of her comfort zone. When travelling, Kaitlyn spends her time going on adventures, meeting new people, learning new languages and exploring with an open heart and open mind. Each travel experience has taught Kaitlyn valuable knowledge about the world and she enjoys sharing her travel stories with others.

Kaitlyn believes the saying “Your success is determined by your confidence and fortitude”. After overcoming anxiety and depression in her childhood, Kaitlyn uses her past experiences to advocate for Mental Health Awareness and she is currently a volunteer with the Canadian Mental Health Association. She believes that the stigma around having mental health struggles should not define you as an individual and that you can accomplish anything that you put your mind to, if you work hard towards your goals and follow your dreams.

If chosen as Miss Windsor, Kaitlyn would use the platform to continue raising awareness for mental health and host fundraisers throughout the year to fundraise and support the Canadian Mental Health Association Windsor-Essex County.