Avery Blazevich

Avery is a proud Windsorite born and raised in this wonderful community. Avery feels honored to have a close family connection to this city and is proud to call it home. Avery is extremely passionate about making a difference in her community by advocating for accessible education support for all. She likes to spend her free time volunteering in the community by tutoring students, also expressing her creative side through painting. This year it is Avery’s goal to take her platform to the next level by holding a fundraiser to support the Windsor Essex United Way’s On Track To Success Program. This local charity helps students in the community receive free tutoring and financial support to help them reach their academic goals. Avery also plans on partaking in a mission trip to Guatemala this year to help educate students in underprivileged communities.

Avery has become passionate about helping others to achieve success through their academics, after she had experienced academic difficulty for many years. She believes it was the teachers in her life who made the greatest impact and helped her achieve success. Furthermore, this inspired Avery to pursue a teaching career and she is currently in her second year at the University of Windsor studying Education and Visual Art. This year Avery took on the role of volunteering as a teaching assistant at St. Joseph’s Catholic High School to gain experience in the classroom. With her experience, she has witnessed a demand in the community for more accessible tutoring support, since many students in our community do not know how or where to get academic assistance. It is Avery’s goal as Miss Windsor 2024 to be a voice in our community to help students reach their goals. She plans on speaking at local schools to help bring awareness to her platform by introducing the resources offered by the United Way. Avery knows the importance of having positive role models in her life and that is something she strives to be everyday for those who look up to her.